How to do a complete backup of your site, for just in case..

Started by Smoky, November 10, 2007, 09:37:15 PM

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I don't know how other host sites are, because I have only

had this one that  I am using now, and I don't know if all host sites tell you

how to backup your site, but mine did, and here is what was told to me:


should always back up your site at least every 3 days, that way, if something does happen,

you are only 3 days behind, no matter if you are a big site, or small. think about it. if

the site were to be backup up every 2 weeks, that could be a lot of missing entries..

Here is what you need to do:

1: gain access to your cpanel, meaning get

your login info out and use it.

2: once you are into your cpanel, you want to

look for: BACKUPS, go ahead and click that, and it takes you here:

    and then do it, by clicking on generate a full backup. it will tell

you all of this information:

Generate/Download a Full Backup

Email Address:
Remote Server (FTP/SCP only):
Remote User

(FTP/SCP only):
Remote Password (FTP/SCP only):
Port (FTP/SCP only)

Dir (FTP/SCP only)

and it will be filled out by the software.. if you want to

make sure you have the right email address or change the email address to be notified when

it is done, now is your opportunity!!

3: then go to the bottom, start your

backup, and go back out of the cpanel, because you have now finished.

Hope you

liked my tut on a full backup..



 :evil_fire: giggles that because I am Smoky.. the orginal, none

before, none after  :whistle: opps!!! :Zipit: thank you Skhilled lol.. i got to

thinking about it, when I went searching on the redirects, and couldn't find it.. so I

whiped this one up for you.. will try to help more on the tuts.. if i can and have some

free time..  :wink1:


Thanks, Smoky. And yes, you are the orig and one and only. LOL