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Just Curious

Started by Zacharia, May 28, 2017, 08:55:46 AM

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 When I hit my bookmark for your site I first get this the second time I get here ? any thoughts why all of a sudden LOL no big deal I can fix it just curious  ???


I'm not sure why that is happening... I got the same thing myself for some reason so I just edited the bookmark. Maybe because of the work being done on the arcade testing site the links got screwed up somehow...


I wonder if that's why I only see 1 or 2 people a day here lately , the first time it happened I just thought you were down temporarily for repairs.


Hmmm, that is a possibility but this is not a very busy site too.

Chen Zhen

It was my fault.
I set up the .htaccess files here and on the arcade test site.
When I used copy/paste to copy the file contents to this site's file it had the arcade url in it.. oops.
So if you had a link in your bookmark using it changed it to https for the arcade site.

It is fixed now.. I apologize for the mistake.


No, problem! LOL I assumed it had something to do with it but had been busy with family issues and had forgotten to look into it.

I've been meaning to make a post about everyone changing their bookmarks to use "https".