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Started by cmb, December 01, 2013, 10:59:10 AM

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Hi all

I had a forum years ago and started it again but seem to have a few probs

Arcade is my biggest problem i upgraded to version 6 but still cant get the arcade to load. when i load it i get an error. i came here and tried the arcade to download here but i can only upload a zip file.

can any one help 

awesome forum by the way i love the smiley set


Hi cmb and welcome to Docskillz. :)

1.  When you say "i upgraded to version 6" I assume that you mean SMF 2.0.6?

2.  Which version of the arcade did you download from here?

3.  I am not sure what you mean by "tried the arcade to download here but i can only upload a zip file". Do you mean that you downloaded a zip file? If so, it is supposed to be zip files.

Please be specific so I can help. :)

Also, a link to your forum may help.



Thanks for replying

yes i upgraded to smf version 6 my forum is

i downloaded smf arcade 2.5_rc2(2) as this is the one that meant to work without any problems but i cant upload it

thanks for help


What errors are you getting when you try to use Package Manager?

And please keep in mind that the arcade has not been upgraded in almost 2 years...


the file i downloaded from here isnt a zip file ! when i try others it says compatability error


It should be a zip file. I just downloaded it and it is. Are you talking about this one?;dl=cat3


yes sorry it is a zip file but i get this error

The package you are trying to download or install is either corrupt or not compatible with this version of SMF.


Not to worry, I just saw what the problem was for compatibility and fixed it. It was designed for up to smf 2RC2...before SMF 2.0. I fixed it so it works for versions up to 2.0.6.

Download it again as I just fixed it for you. ;)

EDIT: This one also works and should work with more types of games:;dl=item44


i just downloaded it and now my forum has a error message and i cant get into it is this connected


Looks like permission issues. Make sure your folder and file permissions are properly set. If you do not know what they should be set to just use a FTP program and upload a file. It should set it to the proper permissions.

I assume that index.php is incorrectly set...this is a common server problem. What hosting are you using?


i cant get into my site at all

i use reg 123


If you can do nothing, not even use FTP then there is a server issue. You should be able to still use FTP or cPanel. If not, then contact your hosting...they have something going on there that has nothing to do with the install.


Directory "/websites/****/LinuxPackage22/**/ll/**/" is writeable by others

i get this error message

is it anything to do with the file


Yes, I see that and the problem is the server changed the file permissions when you installed the arcade.

Do you have FTP access?

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