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My MyBB Project

Started by Skhilled, May 03, 2015, 04:26:58 PM

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Yes, I like the ACP better, too. Atm, I'm trying to get used to the file setup and how to add things to the menu. SMF uses ?action="mod/page" to access pages. MyBB just uses the main .php file associated with the mod or page. For instance, I couldn't get the blog to show in the main menu. After playing with it for a minute, I found that you can just use:

The menu part of the header template uses variables to access the mods but you can add links. Now, I just need to find the var for it or create my own link. Maybe later I can learn to add it to the mod to fix it so it does it automatically.


Wooooo Hooooooo!  :dancebun:

After more than an hour of trial and error, and a lot of over-thinking the problem  :baghead: , I figured it out.  :rofl1:

<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/mybblog.php">MyBBlog[/url]</li>

The other code for adding a menu item was more complicated so I followed along those lines. For instance, this is the one for ezGallery:

<li class="gallery"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/ezgallery.php" style="background-image: url({$mybb->settings['bburl']}/images/icons/photo.png);">{$lang->ezgallery_menu}[/url]</li>

I tried modifying that to match what I thought would be the correct code for the blog but a simpler approach was needed all along...just like me to over-think things again.  :groan:

EDIT: DVZ Shoutbox installed! I didn't completed the steps.  ???

The mod does not autoinstall it so it will not break anything and you need to manually add 2 more steps listed near the bottom of this page:


Doc you got to check out this Square theme for the bottom dropdown, real good;

It looses the portal, but, that may be fixable bot this theme real nice out of the box!

Mouse over everything there!

Good morning and happy Mom's to to all the Mon's out there  and special thanks Mom Nature, very lovely!


Yes, very nice! and different! :)


I'll need to change the look of the shoutbox...looks to plain.


I'm saving the Shout,. Cause I not fond of them, except for team use! but testing what all I can,I work up the motivation to check out the merge system, but my have wait till I feel better :)

Max x Having fun!


I'm almost comfortable enough with it to try the merge and see how it goes. But right now I'm cooking so maybe later today.


When I try I will use one of my SMF test site first and , just and FYI make sure you have you Data base info on hand from you SMF site your merging for the viewers here it's in the settings file of the SMF !




Here is more requirements and step by >



Just A note that if you install a new theme to the MYBB, you may need to deactivate some plug-ins and reactivate again to get them to work with the new theme... glad I figured this out! :)



I merged my SMF test site to the new MYBB site and when well except, a few things that I can live with, But I will try to correct them if possible but very please with the way it when, surprised me :)



I think in the morning I'm gonna start fresh all over.
First install the MYYBB SOLO and then merge my test (SMF) to it the add the plugins and themes and stuff, and set the prefix ( DB) to MYBB,  when fairly well but allot tiny issues... But what hey that what testing all about live and learn, then when think you got learn some more :) and still having fun, this some great stuff!



Sorry, I was so tired I slept most of the day away. LOL

I have to cook this morning so I'm not sure if I'll get to it today or not. However, I'll use the db from this site as a test merge.


I started for Scratch early this morning, I think I need to go in the DB and Change the smf_ prefix, it import that to the MYBB site. and . At this time I'm reinstalling the Plug ins and Theme again.
Still happy with :)
