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Oh! Thank God!

Started by Ken., January 14, 2019, 02:15:18 PM

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Oh! Thank God for our linemen and others who work in this miserable weather restoring our service!   :cool2:

Sunday at about 4:45 AM our power went out and we've had some adventures in the hours from then until now! It came on about 45 minutes ago.
So, we've been freezing our asses off, of course, so I brought my propane shop heater into the living room and it was a great help, except for the smell, now it will take a week or more for the odor to go away. Last night I went out to pick up some sandwiches and an extra bottle of propane (same size as you would use on a grill) and at the first store my debit card was rejected! No way that should happen, but it did, so I told the lady to just cancel that transaction and we could use my credit card. She could not get the cancellation to work and so she finally gave up! Hope this debit will not show up on my card after all, it will need some watching for the next week or three. At the next store down the street used the same debit card with no issues.   :o

Our furnace has been running full blast for this whole time now and it's finally starting to warm up a little in here. (63° currently)
We've lost some food, the damage will be accessed later this evening.
" If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti


That happens at least yearly where I live. Our record is two weeks without power (so far)

We have a backup generator, multiple heat sources and extra fuel to power it all. Not fun if you lose power in winter. I remember how much it cost to replace everything in a refrigerator. Did it once....Ouch!

Lineman have a thankless job. People seem to think they are the only one without power and complain. These people work ridiculous hours in bad conditions so we can have electricity. Thank You for all you do.

Good luck Ken. Hope you get back to normal soon.  ;D


Yes, I agree! We complain but the guys and gals who get our service back up are to be thanked!

@Ken - now you can go back to sneaking those foods that you aren't supposed to be eating. LOL


Quote from: Skhilled on January 15, 2019, 09:34:29 AM

@Ken - now you can go back to sneaking those foods that you aren't supposed to be eating. LOL

Hahahha... did some of that already!  :oops:
" If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti