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New and need guidance

Started by Alpha, January 17, 2015, 09:25:39 AM

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Hey yall
I'm kind of new to this so I was hoping someone could help me..
Are there any downloads for card games to work with smf 2.0.9?
Something where I can host tourneys and have group games?

Like blackjack,  poker, Texas holdem, etc?

This would really help my forum out and give a little extra to my members...

Thanks for everything!!!


Hi Alpha and welcome to Docskillz! :)

Well, the gamepacks here are from the original SMF Arcade website which is now dead. Most other flash games will probably work with the arcade but they may or may not submit a score. I do not add new games here because you need permission from the owner of the games to modify the code to make them work with the arcade and basically I don't have time to do it.

However, a friend of mine does has a lot of games for download on hisa site that you may be looking for:

You may have to download the games individually...





You're like the gift that keeps on giving man!
I really appreciate you!

Only problem is I wish I could dl the games I want and attach to a sub forum and moderate and keep high scores through my forum... that way it wouldn't involve any site but my own ya know? Playing games through another site using a flash player is convenient but I like to have it all out of one place... my forum. You are a very helpful guy! And I appreciate you. If you know of anything like this lmk.

How much does it cost to get something like what I want created if I went that route? For just a couple games?


Thanks! So why don't you just create your own forum?

By "sub forum", do you mean a separate forum of a subcategory within a forum?

If you install a portal you can have an arcade block that will show the latest high scores, random, games or latest games.


Quote from: Skhilled on January 18, 2015, 12:55:13 PM
Thanks! So why don't you just create your own forum?

By "sub forum", do you mean a separate forum of a subcategory within a forum?

If you install a portal you can have an arcade block that will show the latest high scores, random, games or latest games.

Yes sir. I mean sub cat within a forum. Where they can play the game or tourney and not be linked to another site to play. Blabbster looked cool but you play the games through them.. right? That's what I gathered.


Yes, you can only play the arcade on the site it is installed on, so if it is installed on Blabber then then you must go there to play it.

And you can't play any games within a category, they are played only on the arcade page.