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Detailz via Chat

Started by Skhilled, January 28, 2017, 01:14:44 PM

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Someone I know needed help with their site. While helping to fix the problems there, I thought that it would help them if they created a test site which is an exact duplicate of their live site than they can test themes, mods, custom code, etc. This way they will not mess up their live site and learn in the process.

So, we decided to set up a time where we will meet via the chat here and I'll guide them (in real time) on how to create the test site. I can show them how it is done and also monitor their progress. If mistakes are made I can alert them to the mistakes and how to fix them.

This has given me the idea that maybe I should start some sort of classes that will help new users on how to do certain things so they will feel more comfortable trying things and feel less intimidated. They will be able to take control of their forum and blogs and fix any issues that arise.


Sounds good...But I did find in the past that, this can be a never ending story with most, and almost had to marry them :)

So if you start something like this it should maybe directed to the general user and not a one on one battle.. Tutorial type thing, sticky and locked. a support section to be used only when stuck. Not asking question about, what is posted. a chat would only, pile up a bunch of stuff that will not be seen by all, unless they hit history and they will not in most cases and you will be just be repeating yourself over and over,

If only you could find a program like Codeacademy has? OR a good FAQ software.

Just thinking aloud :)


The point of using the chat is for a sort of personal/private help session. Responses by myself and the other user(s) will be in real time and answers will be given in minutes, not spread across hours or days as normally via the forum posting. A time is set up for both parties to meet. From there we can see what is going on and do things in real time. This has a benefit of seeing mistakes that the user may not know or understand and may otherwise overlook or not even mention. This will help them a lot faster with them understand more of what they are trying to accomplish.

I will have access to their servers so I can monitor their progress and comment on any problems they are not aware of.


Yes I saw your point on the first post..I'm just getting too old to deal with, that type thing ... I guess.

But yes a Good idea and glad someone will do it :)



I'm hoping it will help people more and give them a better understanding of what they are trying to accomplish so they can make better choices for their forums.


I am that person, and I ain't ta marrin no one.. :signinnocent:



I took advantage of this course and I am amazed at what I have learned with Steve's help. I copied and pasted most down, and probably forgot some of it, but it was great learning..

I made with Steve's help an exact test board of my forum, this truly amazed me at the results, of what I have created..

After 3 hours we decide to install the Chat, both of us were tired and we left it hanging for a future time to finish the install..

Best 4 hours spent on a Saturday night..



I just need to fine tune the process to make it faster and easier. But as you can see the process in not just involve a number steps which any quite easy. After you do it again once or twice you can see that's it's even easier and much faster than you've originally thought...


I thought you did an excellent job, seeing I don't learn to quickly anymore.


Thanks, but I know it could have been better. I'll write up a few things to streamline it later.


How's the new program working out Bro! Best wishes!



Actually, I've been a bit busy help two sites out. But I'm not giving up on this and have a few good ideas for it. I just need to sketch out the details when I finish helping the others out. The helping may take a few days or more, tho...many details to sort out.


Almost done with a new tutorial for creating a test forum. ;)


Quote from: Skhilled on February 13, 2017, 09:20:26 AM
Almost done with a new tutorial for creating a test forum. ;)

Good, because I forget more than I learn, part of aging I think, ah I forgot! :oops: