Responsive Curve Mod

Started by Skhilled, April 22, 2015, 08:25:29 AM

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I have tested a few themes on my sites as well as other and it, The Google test is working, if I use MY themes they are good,  but others Not.

I just went and check my themes again and they are good, and Sure some Bloc's newer themes are good also, but may not the one at TP, not sure... If not I'm he know hows, because I've seen some of his and tested them before the Google test came out!

But in any case it's not fare to you and I and regular Guy, for Google to do this! IMHO!

Note though, even If google does not continue, with this ranking system thing, everyone still needs to get the themes, so they can fit in the mobile gadgets!

We all got keep up with the trends. and google should be in charge of in control of this so to speak!



I agree! Whether Google continues along with this or not you can't just shrug them off because they can bring a lot of viewers to your site. Furthermore, the future seems to be with mobile devices and themes/skins NEED to be mobile-friendly!

But Google flip-flopping is not good for their market share either... They need to make a decision or at least say "Hey, we screwed up and believe this is now what should have been before". Then it doesn't seem like they are trying to do whatever and people will just follow.