Arcade button

Started by beast, June 03, 2015, 01:42:51 PM

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  Across the top I have this. How do I get the arcade button in there?


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I believe this is a theme issue because I see it just fine on the green theme you have for guests. Is it not working on a different theme?

EDIT: And you are missing images from the /images folder that should be uploaded to each theme.


  I know I have it on the one I'm using. But when I have installed arcades on other forum, I can't get the button to come up, and I don't know how

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You need to add the button code to Subs.php near the bottom of the file. All menu buttons go there. You need to find the code for the arcade version you are using and add it. It may be different for each arcade but should be similar.

The reason it may not be working is that you may need to remove old code from any other arcades and arcade mods first...especially if they are outdated. You will also need to install arcades that are current for the SMF version you are installing it to.


  Take a look at my test site. That is what I got. I'm trying to learn how to at the button up top where when you click on it, it will take you to the arcade

Thanks [you] for reading my post


That is an outdated version of the arcade. It should not be installed on any site.

But again, it should be the same for the arcades. I just checked and it may be in the hooks file so it appears you may have other outdated mods which are preventing it from installing correctly along with it being an outdated mod.

And you should NOT be trying to install anything on anyone else's site if you do not know how to manually edit or add/remove code! You can screw up the site and not be able to fix it!